Jul 31, 2009

Career Success Warning - Medical World Has Overall Lack of Regard for the Employee's Well-Being

Here is the latest e-mail that I received about my book Career Success Without a Real Job

    1ST - Your style of writing is very readable.

    2ND - even though I worked in the medical field vs. corporate America, I could relate to everything you said regarding how you were treated in the corporate world. Suprisingly, the medical world is no different in the overall lack of regard for the employee's well-being and the resistance of management to implement the suggestions of employees. I could go on, but you get the point.

    3RD - What I liked most was the overall tone of the book that was genuinely supportive and encouraging. I don't get much of that in my world so that was very refreshing.

    THANK YOU AGAIN for writing that book and I wish you ALL THE BEST with your upcoming projects.


Just a note that this Career Success Without a Real Job is designed to help ambitious and creative people live an extraordinary lifestyle that is the envy of the corporate world! It is also suitable for those retirees now looking at new retirement careers.

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