Here are some new retirement quotes just for this blog post:
- "My retirement plan is to join the folks with the torches and pitchforks rioting and storming the Bastille."
— Jim Jim (ordaj), commenter on a Retirement Article
"Elevating your wants to your need list is another way to trick yourself into being
broke in retirement."
— from How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free (The World's Best Retirement Book)
"The least we can do is make a suicide pill so those of us with nothing left to live on [in retirement] can take the dignified way out."
- Jennifer Adams (jedadams)
"You Say You Want to Work Past ‘Retirement’? How's Your Health?"
— Joseph F Coughlin
"Like life, retirement can be full of surprises. Take when you retire, for example."
— Talbot Boggs
"The top retirement planning strategy today is not to retire. "
— Joseph F Coughlin
"Result for many Americans When TheyPunch in Their Data into a Retirement Calculator:
" 'According to your latest data if you retire today, you can live reasonably well until 5 p.m. tomorrow.' "
— Dave Erhard
"A happy retirement doesn't require oodles of money, nor should it mean fighting the cat for food."
— Shelley Fralic, Vancouver Sun
"The greatest stock market you can invest in is yourself. Finding this truth is better than finding a gold mine."
— Byron Katie
"Planning to never retire is not a true retirement plan. It, in fact, is a sign of delusion — and of denial about one's inability to save enough for one's retirement."
— Dave Erhard
"I semi-retired when I was a kid and became very good at it. That's why I now get paid the big bucks for getting up late in the morning and then experiencing true freedom for the rest of the day. I am still a kid, by the way, because my first priority is to go for a intense, but pleasurable bike ride before work ever enters my mind."
— from The Joy of Not Working
"I'm already worn out now — how do they expect us to work several years longer? My body hurts so much and I start working every day at five in the morning."
— Norbert Schmittbauer, a 50-year-old construction worker in Berlin, in response to
Germany's proposal to have workers retire at 70 instead of 65
- Sensational Retirement Quotes for Smart People
Funny Retirement Quotes
Retirement Quotes on Squidoo